Ministry Outreaches of Charlie Horner
For years, Charlie has gone into prisons, jails, hospitals, nursing homes and camps. Where ever there was a group or someone that needed to hear about the Lord. He realized that some people would not attend a conventional church service. Charlie feels that God has called him to go to them. When you go to where the people in need are, you are welcome but not always supported. In prisons and similar places, offerings are not permitted.
Then there are the ones that really want to hear the Gospel, but can not get to a church or formal service.
Charlie has been called to reach these people and others that do not realize their need for the Lord.
Through the use of ventriloquism and illusion, Charlie is able to increase the audiences' attention span and use this time to introduce them to the way of the Lord.
Charlie's goal is to continue to reach out in this way. In times past he has supported this effort himself.
Now let us tell you about the direction that Charlie's ministry is going. We have set aside a semi-trailer.
In this trailer there will be storage to add equipment that we do not have but need. We feel that the Lord will add a generator, larger lights, chairs and even a tent. He has laid out for two dressing rooms to be in the trailer. The trailer will be pulled to wherever the need is. Then after our job there is done, the trailer will be transported to the next place of need or base lot.
Please be a part of this effort and support the ministry of Charlie Horner. Your support will be greatly appreciated.
Please pray that the Lord will show you what to do, to help Charlie continue to reach out to the lost for the Glory of the Lord Jesus Christ.
God Bless you and yours!